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We had a co-ed Baby Shower last month.  Its was very nice. One thing that was very neat was that our neice handed out 5 x 7 “New Mommy Advice Cards” to everyone.  Everyone then had a chance to write some “advice” to us as new parents.  Here is a sample of the advice we received.

1. Follow your own instincts when it comes to your baby – everyone will have advice but its not always good advice!

2. Try to rest when the  Baby is sleeping. Take it easy. The cleaning of the house can wait.

3. Patience! Patience! Patience! It gets better! Really it does!

4. Come frijoles cuando el nino esta durmiendo. El Bebe siempre tiene la razon. No dejar que la presion o “stress” les afecte su matrimonio.

5. Rest all you can now and love, love, love your little baby. Save up now for baseball, soccer and all the great extra activities!

6. Spend as much time as possible with him. He will grow up quickly.

7. Sleep as much as you can & get lots of rest.

8. Patience, lots of patience.  Let the kid be a kid.

9. You should have named the baby Austin.

10.  To do what you think you should do. Tell the little baby I love him.

11. Enjoy this time in your lives. I am happy for the both of you. Spend a lot of quality time with the little baby.

12. Get ear plugs. remind the baby that your home is not Denny’s so you do not serve dinner 24/7! Hug your baby every chance you get, kiss ’em, and LOVE him because you are truly blessed!

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